Luvly Us |
Miss E is not only my sister, but she's my bestfriend. Maybe because
we were just 1 year and 7 months apart, memang tak bisa dipisahkan. We
went to the same primary school, lepas tu high school tak sama sebab saya kena masuk sekolah yang amat jauh, tapi setiap kali dapat balik rumah on weekend pasti ada je aktiviti si dua beradik ini. Lepas tu masuk sama Matriculation Center, tak cukup tu sama Universiti lagi. Oh not only that we were
in the same Uni, sama department lagi tau *slap forehead*.
cute kan? tengok baju.. sama hehe |
i think this is our very first 5km race from Padang Timur, PJ. Wakil rumah Merah tau :) |
wakil rumah Kuning. Gaya sama sampai besaq! |
rewardnya ialah air oren ;p |
nak kena pergi sekolah ke? |
Kami nak naik rollercoaster but lil bro nak jugak masuk ToonTown untuk naik Cawan Pusing (rasa nak sepuk tak?) |
sejuk bangat time ini |
For 28 years, inilah dia teman susah senang bersama saya. We share the same interests; we love running, we love extreme sports, we love travelling etc Jadi banyak benda yang menyeronokkan dilakukan bersama. Tipulah kalau saya cakap kami tak bergaduh, selalu juga berperang (and this tiny
fella sometimes menggunakan kekerasan ke atas kakaknya, seriously i'm
not joking!), in fact tadi pun bergaduh lagi tapi biasalah gaduh-gaduh pon pasti akan berbaik balik :-)
first time datang sini dan balik KL naik keretapi (ada alkisah hehe) |
our first trip together |
Pulau Kapas trip :) |
Bali trip yang penuh Drama ;p |
at Movie World _ urghh gemoks! |
Man Utd vs Harimau Malaya |
towerthon - Ms E laju giler! |
our first and Ms E only Marathon :) |
the Cranberries concert 2012 |
Boria Raya 2011 |
As we all know, my luvly sister Ms E is getting married tomorrow. How
time flies kan? It feels just like yesterday she came home and excitedly
showed me 'the ring' on her finger. Oh-Em-Gee,
the wedding is happening for real!!! super seronok *lompat*
Walaupun saya amat teruja dengan majlis ini, tapi deep down inside saya ada rasa seperti i'm losing a part of me and it just makes me sad. Eh but don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy for her, it's just that maybe we've been sooooooooooo close lantas memikirkan keadaan dah takde teman guling-lompat-menggila-malam-malam macam sedih. Tu je. I know air dicincang tak akan putus, we'll be sisters forever tapi somehow things will never be the same. For instance, dah takde baju boria untuk raya lagi. It's has been our tradition for 28 years jadi mestilah rasa pelik kan bila raya tak pakai baju sama-sama. Itu contoh je lah, the small small thingy yang bisa membuat saya rasa sebak (emo i know!) Rasa macam nak cakap: oh-dzul-please-let-us-wear-the-same-baju-kurung-for-raya (sambil buat muka cute seperti Puss in Boots). I'm just saying je, takdenya nak buat..kalau betul buat dah tahap cacat mental dah tu kan?
the majlis merisik |
Ms E's Bachelorette Party |
I'm fortunate that i have an amazing bond with my sister and I'm so thankful for that. I really wish that one fine day when i have children on my own, they will also have a special bond just like us. Ms E if you're reading this (ehem i know you do read my blog), i just want you to know that I love you sooooooooooooooooooo much. (Oh about being your kids Nanny untuk you dan Dzul pergi bergembira, saya belum sign agreement okay. Buat masa ini, it's still NO!!!! Thanks for e offer anyway) ;p
Jadi selepas ini kurang teman sepergaduhan saya. Nak kena berperang dengan Miki jelah ni *yeaaahhhh!*. Ok, that's all for now. akan update pasal wedding bila saya berkesempatan nanti yer. Till my next post, toodles :)