Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Twenties Girl

Horaayyy, to all Sophie Kinsella's fan out there, her new book Twenties Girl is gonna hit the stores on July 21st, 2009 (kat sini lambat sikit kuts, kui kui kui)

Being intoduced to Sophie's world by my dear friend Arina, (the one yang beria-ia bercerita pasal Confession of the Shopaholic sampai akhirnya saya tergoda untuk membaca), and after completing the first book, I'm completely hooked!!! To me, Sophie is one of the best chick-lit novelist in town and I have found all of her books enjoyable so far. Yeap when I say all, is all. Btol, punyalah sukee sampai I actually bought every novel by her hahaha You can read more about Twenties Girl here. Aiiiaiiaiiaii, Can't wait yaw ;)

p/s: Sangat berharap ada sambungan daripada Shopaholic & Baby...


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