Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

Pejam celik pejam celik, tup tup dah nak masuk 2009. Pheuww how time flies kan? There's a lot happened to me in 2008. Kalau nak di-listkan memang panjang btol... Let see,

  • I was given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go onboard Japan's research ship RV-MIRAI with Japanese and Indonesian scientists and cruise along South China Sea, Straits of Malacca and Indian Ocean for 32 days, non-stop! Amazing isn't it?
  • Weeheee, dapat travel ke Tokyo, Bali, Perhentian Island, Redang Island, Kapas Island (that is why I love my job so muchh)
  • Yippie finally dapat memiliki dSlr sendiri, my precious Nikon-D90 and not to forget my new phone (have to have one since my-precious N70 was stolen during futsal tournament sob sob)
  • I have started my slimming rituals, to date I have lost 2kg since my last post on slimming, usaha akan tetap diteruskan ngehehe
  • I have my own dedicated blog, phewitttt cayalah
Macam happy-happy jer semua kan... Trust me, I went through the hard-times as well. Adehh, during that period, I can't think straight, sedey jer n rasa macam dah putus harapan abis. True, I can't expect life to be easy all the time isn't it? Lucky me, I have my familly and friends who always been there for me without a doubt through thick n thin. Thank you all and I Love you all soo much.. Hopefully 2009 may be filled with many happiness deep down within! InsyaAllah. Happy New Year!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lake Garden

Dah lama btol nak jalan-jalan dan tembak-tembak kat Lake Garden tapi asyik tak kesampaian jer. Akhirnya, thanks to my lovely sister, Eqeen, orang yang paling beria suruh kakandanya bersiar-siar dan mengambil gambar, siap semangat volunteer nak jadi model of the day (sebenar nak ada banyak gambar menarik nak wat profile facebook kan, Qeen?? tahu sangat dahh :P) Was a bit cloudy hurmmm I was hoping untuk petang yang cerah sebenarnya tapi xpelah kan.. So here are some of the hasil. c&c are most welcome. Njoy

Model of the day, Eqeen

Artificial waterfall Lake Garden


Bunga Raya, susah btol nak nampak sekarang

love the green

Duit-duit, eh ye ker?

So kemana lepas ni?? Zoo Negara perhaps, syiok btol kalau dapat bawa Hannah, Sophie, Sa'eed, A'atikah n Adam sekali kan? Gerenti meriah...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Zu's Big Day

Adoi lama btol tak mengupdate blog ni. Bz bangatlah kununnya, tp mmg btol pun hehe. So, perkembangan terkini, last Sunday ermmm it was 2 weeks ago actually, we went to Seremban to attend Zu's wedding. The majlis memang meriah, and the bride's looks stunning, seri pengantinlah katakan. Out of all piccas yang ada, this one is my favourite, berseri-seri kan?

Don't you think , me wearing that lime-green kurung adalah faktor kepada penyeri gambar? Hehe , thank you peeps, I know I nampak absolutely gorgeous n beautiful :) Punyalah tak tahu nak pakai baju mana and I knew it, I have made an excellent choice fuhhh kalau tak mesti dah setema wif everybody else and the pic wuldn't be that nice kan.. Akhirnya selain pengantin, Aini Kasim jugak yang jadi tumpuan :) Jangan marah yer geng... To Zu n Afizal, congratulations!!!

The Pengantin

Smile everybody

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hawa, congratulation on your newest addition to your family. Wah wah dah 2 anak you awe, macam tak percaya jer hehe Guess what, the newborn share the same birthday with ibu, exactly sama ni, only 25 years later!!! Tak sangka bangat kami semua. Sempat bershopping lagi ibunya mengkala dah sakit nak bersalin tu, funny tol (click here for full story) Nasib baik awe, u tak tak bersalin kat One Utama, kalau tak sure dramatik abis lol. Alala Hannah-chan, dah jadi big sister sekarang, boleh ganglah kita pasni k :D


Big sister, Hannah

Kemeriahan yang berterusan

Monday, December 1, 2008


Hello all,

Just got back from Kuantan 2 days ago. The conference on The South China Sea: Sustaining Ocean Productivities, Maritime Communities and The Climate (SCS 2008) was great and I had a wonderful time meeting the scientists, environmentalists, lawyers as well as policy-makers etc from all over the SCS's region. Well, boraks-boraks sambil mengukuhkan networking. I am good at it hehe

I had so much fun jalan-jalan and click-click. Here's some photos that I managed to capture.


Beautiful beach

My favourite among all.

Looking at all the photos that I shot makes me realize that I am actually good in this photography thingy. No wonder sumer gambar yang I amik turn out very nice hehe... I hope one day I can be the ultimate-professional-gorgeous-woman-photographer-in-town. Amin.

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