Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

Pejam celik pejam celik, tup tup dah nak masuk 2009. Pheuww how time flies kan? There's a lot happened to me in 2008. Kalau nak di-listkan memang panjang btol... Let see,

  • I was given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go onboard Japan's research ship RV-MIRAI with Japanese and Indonesian scientists and cruise along South China Sea, Straits of Malacca and Indian Ocean for 32 days, non-stop! Amazing isn't it?
  • Weeheee, dapat travel ke Tokyo, Bali, Perhentian Island, Redang Island, Kapas Island (that is why I love my job so muchh)
  • Yippie finally dapat memiliki dSlr sendiri, my precious Nikon-D90 and not to forget my new phone (have to have one since my-precious N70 was stolen during futsal tournament sob sob)
  • I have started my slimming rituals, to date I have lost 2kg since my last post on slimming, usaha akan tetap diteruskan ngehehe
  • I have my own dedicated blog, phewitttt cayalah
Macam happy-happy jer semua kan... Trust me, I went through the hard-times as well. Adehh, during that period, I can't think straight, sedey jer n rasa macam dah putus harapan abis. True, I can't expect life to be easy all the time isn't it? Lucky me, I have my familly and friends who always been there for me without a doubt through thick n thin. Thank you all and I Love you all soo much.. Hopefully 2009 may be filled with many happiness deep down within! InsyaAllah. Happy New Year!!!


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